Using MS Excel helps you preparing integrated set of data or records which you are currently working with. There are many intuitive features and options on this platform which help you sending bulk personalized emails with character setting and the data source which integrates various content structures and files in the very custom way you want. You can add attachments with regular excel spreadsheet and online office view which supports any format of attachment.
Send Bulk Emails Using Excel OutLook
After you complete the personalization aspect of emails, add them all to a single click data source developed through Excel formulas and it will help you sending more than one email at a time.
The procedure of compressing content and fitting it into excel cell chart for listing the personalized messages is very simple. Open and excel spreadsheet, and for each cell in a column, first line them up and number the column. Then against each cell, add an attachment that verily opens the source file.
If this procedure seems to be difficult, it can either be understand into more easy and comprehensive form by consulting various tutorials available around the net. Referring to the steps stated in those tutorials, you can easily send bulk personalized emails by using excel data source.